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The Mind and Body Network, Inc. is a 501 (c)3 non-profit that provides charitable martial arts instruction in the art of Taekwon-Do, to inner city teenagers in the New York City metro area.

Charitable instruction is provided through the Mind and Body Network’s  InDaHood Taekwon-Do program. Mind and Body Network black belt instructors provide their valuable training and knowledge of Taekwon-Do to those that cannot afford classes. At the same time, Mind and Body Instructors fulfill their community service hours requirements for higher black belt degree certifications in both the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) and the United States Taekwon-Do Federation (USTF).

This non-profit corporation and its programs was founded by Mr. Victor Sinansky, head instructor of New York Life Taekwon-Do, New York Life Tai Chi Chuan, and Lotus martial arts. Other important martial artists that have played a role in the development are Mr. Tom Reardon, Mr. Xavier Ceniceros, and Mr. Nigel Mundy.




The Mind and Body Network, with the assistance of The Educational Alliance, and the local community recreation coordinators at the Lillian Wald House, created InDaHood Taekwon-Do in the Lillian Wald recreation center at Avenue D and Houston Street(Lower East Side NYC). The Mind and Body Network thanks Ralph Acosta, a community leader that played a significant role in coordinating and making this program available to local teenagers, and as successful as, the midnight basketball program also offered.

September 1991 to March 2009

Taekwon-do classes were provided at the New York Life Taekwon-Do Club to anyone with the desire and commitment to learn, but are unable to afford. Classes were located at 27 East 27th Street(the ground floor - left lobby wing of the New York Life building), held on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 6:00-7:30 p.m.

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